Kim Kardashian to Jennifer Lopez: Curvaceous derrieres are back in style
By Hazel Davis
PUBLISHED: 18:52 EST, 6 June 2012 | UPDATED: 17:08 EST, 7 June 2012
Fantastic news. Put down that celery stick and cancel your Pilates class. After dominating headlines for more than a year, Pippa Middletons pert, unattainable little bottom is finally out of fashion. Big bottoms are back.
A decade ago Jennifer Lopez was the only star revelling in having a generous derriere (she even reportedly insured her biggest ass-et for $27million) but now the red carpet is dominated by big-bottomed celebrities, including singer Rihanna, reality TV star Kim Kardashian, and actresses Christina Hendricks and Kelly Brook.
This year, the bum to have is curvy, peachy and unashamedly large. Like mine, in fact. I have always been bottom-heavy. Even when I was 17, and weighed little more than a large dog, my behind protruded like a sizeable shelf. Now I am a little heavier, it is almost worthy of its own postcode.
It's behind you: Jennifer Lopez is famed for her bottom
Post-baby, I hover between size 10 and 12. Not fat, and all things considered, I have a relatively slim waist. But can I show it off to full advantage in beautifully fitting clothes? Can I heck.
If a skirt goes over my bottom, it sags round my waist. If it fits round my waist, theres no way itll accommodate my bottom. Its the same with trousers: if they fit around my legs, theres no chance! of gett ing them round my derriere.
So why arent I frantically trying to shrink my behind? Because I love it. I honestly didnt even feel a twinge of envy when Pippas satin-clad derriere stole the show at the Royal Wedding last year. Some female friends with smaller bottoms than mine hide theirs under baggy bushels of clothes, which I think is crazy. I love showing my off my big bottom Im proud of it.
Plus, a generous derriere is proven to have health benefits. A recent study by scientists at Oxford University showed that storing fat in your bottom, rather than your stomach, cuts levels of bad LDL cholesterol and raises the good HDL cholesterol that can prevent the hardening of arteries. Fat stored around the bottom acts as a buffer to other dangerous fats, apparently.
Im sure J-Lo and the rest will agree with me, there are other advantages to a big, peachy bottom. Not only does it provide a ready- made, comfortable cushion to withstand four-hour wedding services and the like, it also doubles as a shelf for my seven-month-old baby to ride on, a bit like a camel.
Exercise is just one way to sculpt the curvaceous bottom shape
Because whether the androgyny-loving fashion world likes it or not, womens bottoms are meant to stick out and I hope that now celebrities are showcasing theirs, designers will start to shape their clothing to accommodate us.
And when we ask our other halves if our bums look big in this, we should be looking for one answer only: Yes, darling.
If you want a perfect posterior, here are beauty expert Leah Hardys tips on how to get one (or at least look as if you have).
The Derriere Diet
You might think the fastest way to a big end is to eat more doughnuts, but you wont build a firm and fabulous shape that way. Nutrition! expert Rosie Millen says you need the right food for a taut, smooth outline, explaining: Protein is essential for muscle growth, and bigger buttock-muscles mean a bigger, firmer bottom.
Eat protein at every meal. Good sources include chicken, fish, red meat in moderation, eggs, nuts, seeds, lentils and beans. If you are training hard, it can be hard to get all the protein you need in one day. This is where protein supplements and drinks may benefit you.
A tinier tummy and waist also means your bottom looks bigger. Rosie says: Cutting out sugar and wheat can flatten stomachs. Eating resistant carbs such as lentils, beans and brown rice have been shown to reduce fat around the middle, while relaxing and sleeping reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which puts fat on the waist.
Bye, bye, boob jobs the latest in surgery is the 6,000 butt job. Dr Mike Comins, medical director of The Private Clinic in London, says demand for bottom augmentation has doubled since the start of the year.
He says: The ultra-skinny physique is out, and a more rounded, feminine aesthetic is what women are asking for. Plastic surgeon Angelica Kavouni adds: Bottom enhancement is huge in the U.S., but silicone buttock implants have never really taken off in the UK, as the surgery can be painful with high risk of infection. Instead, we use the Bodyjet system, in which a womans fat is gently liposuctioned out of the hips, thighs and stomach, then injected into the bottom.
Dr Comins mixes fat transfer with liposuction to reshape the lower back and saddle bags, to make the bottom look bigger and higher. The fat is transferred to the bottom under local anaesthetic. He says: Fat is rich in stem-cells so has a firming and smoothing effect on skin. However, Ms Kavouni adds: This is not the treatment for skinny women looking for a bottom boost, as there has to be a decent amount of fat to harvest.
Uplifting Underwear
You can cheat your way to a bounteous bot with uplifting underwear. T! he hotte st trend in the U.S. is padded pants, with silicone or foam implants sewn into the back for extra va-va-voom.
Try Booty Booster Shorts, with removable butt-let pads to add a cheek size (72, Asos has Padded Bum Pants for 23, and Amazon sells the terrifying-sounding Butt Lifter Panty Bum Bra for 19.95. It claims to create a perkier posterior while leaving the cheeks uncovered for a natural look. For lift with less wobble, try Naomi & Nicoles Firm Sheer Boy Shorts, (22.95,, which are said to firm the rear and slim the waist while being light enough to wear all day.
Fashion Tricks
CosmopolitanS fashion director Shelly Vella says: This season abounds with clothes that flatter and flaunt. Even the peplum has made a return drawing the eye to the hips and bottom.
Bandage-style stretch skirts are a gift. They lift, support and show off your bottom. High-waisted styles are flattering, worn with pretty blouses tucked in.
For a curvier rear, think waist. Nip it in and create contrast. Kim Kardashian breaks all the rules and proves you can wear busy prints, white, nude and block colours with curves but she always shows off her silhouette. A Seventies flare or boot-cut jean flatters, but cropped Capri-style skinnies plus heels is a sure fire enhancer.
Personal stylist Lisa Talbot adds: Body-con dresses worn with fitted, high-waist blazers enhance and create an hourglass shape. If you want to look curvier, heels make you tilt your pelvis, so legs look longer and bottoms look bigger.
You can lift and tone your way to a big, beautiful, super-perky bottom. New Yorkers are queuing up for Brazilian Butt Lift classes with celeb trainer Leandro Carvalhor. Get his workouts on six DVDs, plus a diet plan, progress cards and resistance band for 60 at
Former Olympian triathlete and trainer Tim Weeks also has tips for a firm behind. He says: The glutes (the muscles that make up your bottom) are a womans most imp! ortant m uscles. They are vital for the health and strength of the whole body, especially your back.
His top exercise for beginners is The Clam: Lie on your side with your knees at 90 degrees to your body. Tighten the buttock muscles then open the upper thigh like a clamshell. You should only feel this in your bottom, not in the leg. Then move on to The Alphabet. Get on all fours, with the weight evenly distributed between hands and knees.
Lift one leg until it is in line with the back. Then with the toe pointing to the floor and your button muscles taut, write the alphabet in capital letters with your leg.
This will tighten and lift your bottom for stronger muscles and a great look.
A-listers are entrusting their behinds to a super-masseur known as Tetyana the Cellulite Slayer, from Neville Hair and Beauty at www.nevillehairandbeauty,net.
The judo black belt, who looks like Brigitte Bardot, uses a firm hand and lymphatic massage to remould bodies. Her massages are said to help lift the rear, while algae wraps boost firmness and reduce water retention.
Lipomassage by Endermologie is also popular in spas and salons. It uses patented massage rollers to reduce water retention and cellulite for a sleeker-looking bottom.
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