Star Spotting: Jennifer Lopez, Little Monster?

Posted 40 minutes ago by Nicole James in Celebrity, Photos

Credit: Splash News

When you're as famous as Jennifer Lopez, every single thing you do is being photographed at all times. While this majorly sucks for times when you're in your XXL sweatpants running to the corner to get some coffee and pretzels (there are weirder combos, trust me), other times you can use those opportunities to make grand statements to the public. Recently Jennifer Lopez was snapped exiting her hotel in Buenos Aires, and she used this time to tell the world that she is a little monster (AKA a Lady Gaga stan, keep up). Welcome to the club, Jen!

Do you think J.Lo flashing the infamous "paws up" sign to her fans waiting for her outside the hotel means that the "Papi" singer is also crossing off all the days off of her calendar until Born This Way - The Remix drops (18 DAYS!)? Or do you think she was just waving "Hello" to her fans and I decided that meant she had to be giving them the international Gaga sign? WHATEVER. J.Lo (probably) goes hard for Lady Gag! a. You h eard it hear first.

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