Celebrities Jennifer Lopez and Pink are PsychicsForetell.com's Zodiac Beauty Inspiration

Zodiac Beauty Expert offers beauty tips for the zodiac signs.

(PRWEB) February 17, 2013

Celebs such as Pink and Jennifer Lopez are the latest inspiration for PsychicsForetell.com's beauty blog for the zodiac signs.

In house zodiac beauty expert, Tammy Smith says,"Virgo women are famous for being perfectionists, especially when it comes to their appearance. Their hair, makeup, & clothes are always flawless; Virgos love looking polished and preened no matter what their personal style is."

Smith gives practical beauty advice for each zodiac. From styling, to recommending hair products and hair styles.

About star Jennifer Lopez, she says, "Leo Jennifer Lopez, like any proud lion, prefers to have their hair long. Leo girls are fanatical about their most prized assetstheir hair!"

The zodiac beauty blog will feature guest beauty bloggers, celebrity hair styles, and tips from Smith.

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